Tuesday 28 February 2012

Of Kopi(s) and Teh(s)

4:51am Wednesday
29th February 2012

If anyone were to ask me how I ushered in the 29th day of February, I'd say it was over a matter of Kopi and Teh.. I didn't realise it till I got home. Funny how some things have become so inconsequential when you 've experienced it for the last.. 30 years.. I've been listening to the hype of this special day on the radio, simply because it happens only once in 4 years?

A commonly asked question: So how do people who are born on the 29th of February celebrate their birthdays? Seriously, I don't know how to answer that.

I digress. My point is, we are so used to certain things that it doesn't really matter to us anymore. Is that sad? Sometimes, I think it is. Maybe that's why we need to learn to give thanks. To be grateful for the things we have and experienced. Even now, we are still experiencing leap years. How many more would we have?


Monday 27 February 2012


12:47am Tuesday
28th February 2012

Today has been a particularly weary day. With 4 hours of sleep and out for the next 10 hours, it shouldnt come as a surprise. Part of me had already started feeling the creeping tendrils of emotion earlier. Wow.. It must mean I still have a heart! Cynical humour..

My body is going through the motions,
While my mind is forbidding my heart the emotions.
Where it once was,
It now is filled with remorse.

Those times, they will fade as memories will,
With new beginnings, everyday I'll fill.
It may never be the me that I once knew,
It may never be the dreams I once thought I'd fulfilled.

Still, the world turns and the flowers whilt,
And when they do, a seed will bloom.
Another of earth's beauty will be revealed.
In time, it will all come full circle.

Another long long long day tomorrow..

God, Give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change those I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace,
Taking, as He did, this sinful world,
As it is, not as I would have it,
Trusting that He will make all things right, If I surrender to His will,
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with Him,
Forever in the next. Amen
Reinhold Niebur


Saturday 25 February 2012

Can Life Begin Again At 30?

4:48am Saturday

25th February 2012

How did I come up with this topic? It has to do with the last 2 days of my week.

Yesterday, I dreamt that I woke up late for my futsal clinic. I made an excuse to myself and skipped the lesson. It was supposed to be 4pm in my dream. When I really awoke, it was 2:21pm. Part of me was surprised that I managed to wake up, barely in time. Another was already formulating an excuse (just like in my dream) to get more shut-eye. I didn't regret pulling myself out of bed after all. Yes, I was so tired. Yes, I was late. And yes, somehow I managed to make it in time for the group photo before the clinic actually started.

When the ball got rolling, literally, I found myself getting into the groove of the moment and thoroughly enjoyed the friendly matches. Any remnants of my sleepy haze were shooed away by my Kopitiam Kopi Kah-Tai. We had some pretty good goals; a fantastic first point from NL who shot one in the net from the centre of the court. Pretty awesome power!

I brought my camera thinking that if I was too tired to play, I could help snap some photos. Well, we had more than enough photographers. :) AH was snapping a photo when M ND shot a ball straight at her. It was pretty hilarious as the court was pretty big for M ND to have accidentally hit AH and the camera right in the face.

I got my chance to play with my camera when the matches ended. Some of the girls decided to continue playing so I got some shots that I'll edit and share.

As luck would have it, MS asked if I wanted to go to Timbre after the game. Of course! I was just thinking about it a couple of days ago! The band, Goodfellas, were simply... Awesome! They managed to play Party Rock Anthem and actually rapped. The bartender was shuffling on the bar top. How cool is that?? As the night wound to a close, the songs got slower and slower. My budding migraine failed to stop the fruitful day. J

This morning was another of those “Should I get up and go?” ones. Still, it has proven to be another enjoyable day. After going to DK’s, I went to meet HN for my haircut. Happy that I’ve gotten my mop trimmed and it doesn’t feel so thick now. If I could flip my hair, I would! LOL..

The interesting thing about tonight was a very very good meet-up with TSA and SLT. I gained some very fascinating insights and my self-reflection brought me to the title of this blog. Yes, that is what it’s about. Life Can Begin Again. I am glad for those hours that I’d spent today.

Companionship. It doesn’t mean you have to get married or settle down with someone to be able to feel it. I recently re-read an article which highlighted about finding a partner to walk with you through this journey. I am thankful for the company I have to walk with me through this time. I am glad to be able to share such moments; where my footprints will fade with the sands of time.

Thank You for opening my eyes and mind to the possibilities that are waiting to be explored.


Wednesday 22 February 2012

An overcast

4:43pm Wednesday
22nd February 2012

The sky is an overcast gray as I peer out my window. Got woken up from sleep by a funny watsapp message. It's a good way to start the day.. or night? :D

Now listening to Jason Mraz's "I won't give up" on 95fm. Somehow it seems.. Today's pleasant.. Lol!

I read a couple of articles last night while trying to keep my brain from turning to mush. Interesting stuff about positivity. And you know what are some of the things that are similiar with other articles I've read? "Set Goals, start with small Goals".. "Hang around with motivators", not people who make you feel worse.. Interesting isn't it? Different approaches to a similar subject. Yet, they turn out not to be so different after all.

Yes, I'm recovering from the whole jing-bang-sh*t of the last 2 months. It's a roller coaster ride on some days and smooth sailing on others. Slowly but surely, I'll get through this. I'll re-discover the passions I'd meant to pursue in those bygone years. I may have discarded those years, but I'm not ready to give in the rest of my life to the hopelessness. So here's to life, here's to me!


Monday 20 February 2012

When times are good and bad

3:00pm Tuesday
21st February 2012

I had a good dinner, or should I call it supper, last night. Met up with JY to chat and discuss some stuff over Taiwanese food. Yum yum.. Not bad.. Why do they like pork floss so much? Shrimp fried rice with pork floss. Sweet and salty.. Kind of an acquired taste. LOL.. Then there's also the battered brinjal with Pork Floss.. Hmmmmm..

Was clearing my email inbox with a staggering 1100+ messages. Yes, I think I haven't cleared it for a year? Geez.. It's eye-opening to know that I had forsaken a lotttttttttttt of stuff over the past couple of years. I don't know if I should mourn for the lost time and lost emotions or to be glad that I am actually doing something about it now.

While clearing my messages, I saw the email that PP sent. I steeled myself for the emotions that would follow. Yes, they came. And yes, I managed to read the whole letter without falling apart. Well, what can I say? Whoever the person was in that letter, didn't seem to be the person who seemed eager for me to be out of her life. Ironic.. I don't know which to believe.

Either people change over the years, or do they actually stay the same but pretend to be something else, in order to fit into the current circumstances? Questions, questions..

I don't want to spend too much time on that now. A million and one things that I can do with my time. The beauty of technology is that I can open several tabs on IE and bounce around the topics I'm searching for. LOL..

7:49pm Monday
20th February 2012

Ok, I was wrong about the movie part. Nothing has caught my eye in the list of movies. :( Oh well, a good dinner will suffice.



Kick start to the New Year?

7:32pm Monday
20th February 2012

You know the funny thing is, I was so tempted to start blogging with an angry post. When I think about it, I realised that I don't want to start this blog with horrible feelings. :)

The surprising thing about today? I got home pretty late in the morning. Was supposed to have a team dinner but I overslept (gasp!) and later found out that the dinner was cancelled anyway. 2 of my team members got called-in, just like I was, yesterday. (There I said it, I was called-in yesterday). Lol!

When I woke up at 5:45pm, I was rolling around in bed assuming that it was only 3pm in the afternoon. Imagine the jump start I had when I turned and saw my clock. Oh well, for a moment I was wondering if I should head to DK's. Then I realised that I've not had the luxury of spending FREE time as I wished, for the last 2 months.

Having said that, I am now having my sloth day on a rainy Monday evening. How good is that? I'm contemplating a good movie and a good meal accompanied by a good walk. Let's go Public! (or rather, legs) So many good stuffs. It's a good night. :)

Laundry done, bills done. I'm happy. :)
