Wednesday 28 March 2012

Ponder ponder

4:50pm Tuesday
28th March 2012

Someone told me about this movie. I spent about 3 days downloading it. Although it wasn't completed, I managed to watch it last night. It started to make me think again; About our asian culture and just how comfortable we are being "out". Yeah, it's a story about 2 women. LOL!

It also made me ponder about what MZ said about her culture in another country. She doesn't feel the same in SG. Hmmmmmmm... Not surprising, actually. Oh well, just bits and pieces of my musings.

I've been getting caught in the rain over and over again. It shouldn't come as a surprise and that I'm not recovering from this perpetual flu, cough and phlegm. Ewwwwww..

Looking forward to learning something new tonight! :)


Monday 26 March 2012

Que Sera Sera, whatever will be, will be..

1:29am Tuesday
27th March 2012

I have this tendency to blog late at night/early in the morning when I want to talk about what's happened. It's already The Next Day. :)

Suntanning right after work made me feel as if I'm 18 all over again. Sleep deprivation was a secondary issue as I looked forward to hanging out with the Stylo and the Neslo. :D It turned out to be worth the lack of sleep. Chili's was worth the weight in fats! :)

I also met up with another friend at night and shared about someone I recently started thinking about. Well, I realised that we were both having certain feelings for that same person (MZ). To cut the long story short, I don't want to pursue my intentions further. I would rather keep my friendship with DMH and wish her well with MZ. What surprised me about the whole incident was the fact that I actually felt something for MZ. Recent events had made me pretty wary of putting my heart in anyone or anything. :) It's good to know that I can still feel the stirrings of emotions. :)

It's a good day. Tomorrow's retreat day with T2. Looking forward to that too!


Wednesday 7 March 2012

When You Believe

5:03am Thursday
08th March 2012

It's been an occupying week since last Saturday. Why do I say that? I've been immersed in a flurry of events. From riding up to PD over the weekend to a fun night rideout with the ladies, to supporting MZ for her singing competition tonight (or was that considered last night?) In a way, I've made a lot out of the swopped shift with PTY. Well, I'm paying her back this weekend so I'm hoping for the best.

After going through some of the articles in the positively-positive website, I decided to take one of the writer's advice in creating a daily 'Thank You' box. Everyday, I should write down at least 5 things that I am thankful for. Just these past 2 days, I realised that I have more than 5 things that I'm glad and thankful for. That's good! It also made me realise something profound. That God is up there, watching over the steps that I'm taking, hearing my prayers of serenity, courage and wisdom. And He had guided me without me realising it. I am glad. I am very thankful for these past few days of events. I am also very surprised by the strength in me to have seen through the plans I'd made. Coffee might have had something to do with it, though I'm pretty certain that the positive energy has a bigger part to play. So tonight, this post is about giving thanks.

Thank You, to You-up-there, to the people I have in my life, for the happiness I've had the chance to experience. :)


Friday 2 March 2012

Unearthly Hour

4:57am Saturday
03rd March 2012

Who wakes up at unearthly hours to ride at least 4 hours for a holiday?


Still, I am looking forward to it. :) Port Dickson: Here I come!


Thursday 1 March 2012

Positively soul-searching

10:24am Friday
02nd March 2012

I've learnt that posting from my iphone does funky stuff to my paragraphing. :)

This morning I followed a link from a friend's fb post and it turned out to be pretty soul searching. Here's the link:

People share their experiences and thoughts on this blog space. It's truly inspiring. One lady who survived cancer spoke of her 'before' and 'after'. These are the moments that I question myself on my priorities and dreams. In most ways, I am reflecting on what they said and how I am viewing certain things right now. Really, it comes down to one thing: If I can let go. If I can do so and move on, I know I'll be able to apply whatever pointers this lady shared. After all, do I need to take another 20 years to decide that I could end up writing a similar article on '50 things I wish I knew'? Those who have been through it are sharing their lessons now. Why bang my head against the wall over and over again? :)


I'm your Venus, I'm your fire, your desire

4:59pm Thursday
01st March 2012

Why the odd title? It's the line that Bananrama was singing on Class 95 when I started this post. LOL! I was wondering what to blog about (since it seems my brain isnt functioning well) and my fingers followed the tune on the radio.

2 of my friends share the same birth date and the same year. That's today. The really odd thing is.. They have very different personalities. Does it have anything to do with one being a guy and the other a girl? The girl I know to be loud and funny. Ok, I shall say both are similar in that sense. But that's it. The similarities end there. I think the girl is quite sensible in terms of how she plans to spend her $$. The guy.. Ermmm.. has a serious issue with lying. Especially with his girlfriend, or is it ex-girlfriend now? I've lost track. Well, he's still my friend after all.

I think I'm really having PMS. Urghhhhhhhh.. If I can liken it to going to a really bad concert? Ok, so, you're all hyped up waiting for the star to start the performance (the fluster and mix of emotions,P.M.S.) and when the star comes on stage and starts to sing, it's as good as screeching into the mike.. Owwwww (the pain).. and you realise that the concert is for the next 2 hours with no intermission and all the exits are locked (i.e. you don't have a choice but to suffer for the next few days or a week).  Fuzzy logic..
