Thursday 1 March 2012

Positively soul-searching

10:24am Friday
02nd March 2012

I've learnt that posting from my iphone does funky stuff to my paragraphing. :)

This morning I followed a link from a friend's fb post and it turned out to be pretty soul searching. Here's the link:

People share their experiences and thoughts on this blog space. It's truly inspiring. One lady who survived cancer spoke of her 'before' and 'after'. These are the moments that I question myself on my priorities and dreams. In most ways, I am reflecting on what they said and how I am viewing certain things right now. Really, it comes down to one thing: If I can let go. If I can do so and move on, I know I'll be able to apply whatever pointers this lady shared. After all, do I need to take another 20 years to decide that I could end up writing a similar article on '50 things I wish I knew'? Those who have been through it are sharing their lessons now. Why bang my head against the wall over and over again? :)


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